by Joseph Demasi
The bottom line: if you are not posting on Craigslist on a consistent basis, you are literally letting money fly by. I speak to people everyday that make 95% of their income from craigslist. What is
craigslist : it is a free classified site that you can post almost anything in: Jobs, Biz ops items for sale etc. Think E-bay, but without the bidding and fees!
Craigslist was incorporated in 1999, and to this day consistently generates billions of page views per month. There are approx. 30 million users per month that use Craigslist. This is very targeted traffic. I consistenly get 10-20 opt-ins per day from ads I place on Craigslist. I do not place just 1 or 2 ads, I place a few hundred ads daily on Craigslist. This is about expanding your focus and driving traffic to your website.
Craigslist is a FREE service for the most part. They do charge a fee to post in Jobs in selected cities: New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Orance County, San Diego, Chicago and Sacramento. Imagine being able to get 10-20 targeted leads per day to your business. How would you be doing? Beware, however, just posting blindly with leave you frustrated. You still need to have the skills and consistency to drive that traffic. Ads and headlines have to create enough interest to the viewer that will make them go to your site.
With an ad on craiglist: less is more. I have seen many ads that are a page long with all kinds of info. Your goal is to create as much curiosity to have that viewer want to go to the web site to see what it is all about. The other thing is people don't want to read a lot in an ad. If it is too long, they will skip it. There is a great site that gives you all kinds of info and great training on craigslist and other classified sites. There is a link to it on the side labeled:
Post 1000's Of Ads On Craigslist .
As with anything you must be consistent, I try to post everyday. Some are better than others, but you always need to test to find your niche.
Have a Great and Prosperous Day.